LEAF Awards bekroont meest innovatieve architectuur

donderdag 19 november 2015
timer 2 min
Van bijzondere gevels tot het meest duurzame project; dit zijn de meest innovatieve architectuurprojecten. Eerder deze maand werden zij bekroond met de LEAF Awards, een architectuurprijs voor projecten die ‘de maatstaf bepalen voor internationale architectuur’.

De LEAF Awards worden uitgereikt in 13 verschillende categorieën. Klik op bovenstaande foto om de projecten te bekijken. In enkele categorieën zijn twee winnaars benoemd. Tevens is er één algehele winnaar van de LEAF Awards. 

1. Mixed – Use Building of the Year

Kavellaris Urban Design KUD
Project: 2 girls Building

2. Residential Building of the Year 

Architect Robby Cantarutti
Project: Riverside Cabin

Studio MK27
Project: V_Itaim

3. International Interior Design Award of the Year

Project: HQ ÖBB

4. Commercial Building of the Year

LAN Architecture
Project: Euravenir Tower

5. Hospitality Building of the Year (overall winner)

Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP co. Ltd
Project: Ribbon Chapel

6. Refurbishment of the Year

Nikken Space Design LTD
Project: ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel, Hiroshima Chapel

7. Public Building of the Year

Tabanlioglu Architects Melkan Gursel & Murat Tabanlioglu
Project: Dakar Congress Center

Steven Holl Architects with JM Architects
Project: Seona Reid Building – Glasgow School of Art

8. Best Sustainable Development of the Year

Kaunitz Yeung Architecture
Project: Wanarn Clinic

Henning Larsen Architects
Campus Kolding, SDU, University of Southern Denmark

9. Best Future Building of the Year – Drawing Board

Sanjay Puri Architects
Project: Reservoir

3TI Progetti Spa – 3TI LAB Srl
Project: Civic Centre

10. Best Future Building of the Year – Under Construction

Andrew Bromberg of Aedas
Project: The West Kowloon Terminus under the Hong Kong Section of the Express Rail Link project

11. Urban Design of the Year

Henning Larsen Architects and Tredje Natur
Project: Vinge Train Station

12. Best Façade Design and Engineering of the Year

Logon Architecture
Project: Shanghai Museum of Glass

13. Developer of the Year

Battersea Power Station
Project: Battersea Power Station

Kijk op
de website van de LEAF Awards voor meer informatie. Of bekijk de gehele shortlist van deelnemers.


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LEAF Awards bekroont meest innovatieve architectuur

Het algeheel winnende project: Ribbon Chapel van Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP co. Ltd.

1. Mixed – Use Building of the Year. Kavellaris Urban Design KUD – Project: 2 girls Building 1. Mixed – Use Building of the Year. Kavellaris Urban Design KUD – Project: 2 girls Building
3. International Interior Design Award of the Year. INNOCAD - Project: HQ ÖBB 3. International Interior Design Award of the Year. INNOCAD - Project: HQ ÖBB
2. Residential Building of the Year. Studio MK27 - Project: V_Itaim 2. Residential Building of the Year. Studio MK27 - Project: V_Itaim
2. Residential Building of the Year. Architect Robby Cantarutti - Project: Riverside Cabin 2. Residential Building of the Year. Architect Robby Cantarutti - Project: Riverside Cabin
4. Commercial Building of the Year. LAN Architecture - Project: Euravenir Tower 4. Commercial Building of the Year. LAN Architecture - Project: Euravenir Tower
5. Hospitality Building of the Year (overall winner). Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP co. Ltd - Project: Ribbon Chapel 5. Hospitality Building of the Year (overall winner). Hiroshi Nakamura &amp; NAP co. Ltd - Project: Ribbon Chapel
6. Refurbishment of the Year. Nikken Space Design LTD - Project: ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel, Hiroshima Chapel 6. Refurbishment of the Year. Nikken Space Design LTD - Project: ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel, Hiroshima Chapel
7. Public Building of the Year. Tabanlioglu Architects Melkan Gursel & Murat Tabanlioglu - Project: Dakar Congress Center 7. Public Building of the Year. Tabanlioglu Architects Melkan Gursel &amp; Murat Tabanlioglu - Project: Dakar Congress Center
7. Public Building of the Year. Steven Holl Architects with JM Architects - Project: Seona Reid Building – Glasgow School of Art 7. Public Building of the Year. Steven Holl Architects with JM Architects - Project: Seona Reid Building – Glasgow School of Art
8. Best Sustainable Development of the Year. Henning Larsen Architects - Project: Campus Kolding, SDU, University of Southern Denmark 8. Best Sustainable Development of the Year. Henning Larsen Architects - Project: Campus Kolding, SDU, University of Southern Denmark
8. Best Sustainable Development of the Year. Kaunitz Yeung Architecture - Project: Wanarn Clinic 8. Best Sustainable Development of the Year. Kaunitz Yeung Architecture - Project: Wanarn Clinic
9. Best Future Building of the Year – Drawing Board. 3TI Progetti Spa – 3TI LAB Srl - Project: Civic Centre 9. Best Future Building of the Year – Drawing Board. 3TI Progetti Spa – 3TI LAB Srl - Project: Civic Centre
9. Best Future Building of the Year – Drawing Board. Sanjay Puri Architects - Project: Reservoir 9. Best Future Building of the Year – Drawing Board. Sanjay Puri Architects - Project: Reservoir
10. Best Future Building of the Year – Under Construction. Andrew Bromberg of Aedas - Project: The West Kowloon Terminus under the Hong Kong Section of the Express Rail Link project 10. Best Future Building of the Year – Under Construction. Andrew Bromberg of Aedas - Project: The West Kowloon Terminus under the Hong Kong Section of the Express Rail Link project
11. Urban Design of the Year. Henning Larsen Architects and Tredje Natur - Project: Vinge Train Station 11. Urban Design of the Year. Henning Larsen Architects and Tredje Natur - Project: Vinge Train Station
12. Best Façade Design and Engineering of the Year. Logon Architecture - Project: Shanghai Museum of Glass 12. Best Façade Design and Engineering of the Year. Logon Architecture - Project: Shanghai Museum of Glass

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