William McDonough enthousiast over ontvangst Cradle to Cradle in Nederland

vrijdag 13 januari 2012
timer 2 min
In een interview met Stedebouw & Architectuur geeft Cradle to Cradle fouding father William McDonough aan dat hij met Coert Zachariasse werkt aan een integraal C2C model, een combinatie van nieuwbouw en bestaande bouw en gebiedsontwikkeling, dat aan de Nederlandse regering wordt aangeboden.

McDonough is enthousiast over de ontvangst van zijn C2C filosofie in Nederland: “The Dutch government is already doing marvelous things with Cradle to Cradle thinking. For example, the new laws for phosphate recovery are magnificent and very smart. Your cities can become nutrient management systems instead of polluters while you support your agriculture industry.”

Super-effective buildings

McDonough geeft aan dat hij met de Nederlandse regering aan tafel wil: “I am now working with Coert Zachariasse to look at ways to build new super-effective buildings while we upgrade the existing infrastructure and older buildings in ways that make everything continuously better while saving money for everyone. We will be presenting these models to government officials when we are ready and they will fit beautifully into the Dutch context as well as other countries.”

Obama Administration

McDonough is ook elders in de wereld gesprekspartner van overheden: “We take every opportunity we can to talk with national leaders in a variety of agencies and branches of governments. Lately, I have been so honored that the General Services Administrator in the Obama Administration, Martha Johnson, has been talking about our Cradle to Cradle concept in her public addresses and encouraging all her staff to read the book. It is exciting to know that even federal government agencies of this scale see promise in Cradle to Cradle, both for their new construction efforts, but also for renovations, and also for product and material procurement. Remember…GSA is the largest landlord in the US. We are eager to explore those opportunities. We have similar conversations going on in China."

Meer weten? Het interview met William McDonough  is gepubliceerd in het themanummer Cradle to Cradle van Stedebouw & Archtectuur. Bestel het exemplaar hier.

Meer info over Cradle to Cradle is ook te vinden op het C2C themaplein van Stedebouw & Architectuur.

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